Thursday 10 December 2015


Cameron Highlands


Cameron Highlands in Pahang is one of Malaysia's most popular tourist destinations, a collection of peaceful townships perched 1500 meters high on a nest of serene mountains. Cooling resorts, tea plantations and strawberry farms sprawl lazily across lush valleys and meandering hillslopes, the perfect setting for a relaxing holiday. The sea of tranquility, pleasant landscapes and cold climate impart a special experience upon the multitudes of visitors each year. Meanwhile, a different world lies hidden away among the natural surroundings - a rainforest ecosystem rich with the wonders of nature, long held with fascination by researchers and naturalists across the world.
Cameron Highlands was discovered in 1885 by English surveyor William Cameron, who was under a commission by the colonial government. Forging a path through dense vegetation, he reached a magnificent and sublime plateau ‘shut up in the mountains' along the vast Titiwangsa Range. Yet, the place lay unperturbed for 40 years, until British Administrator Sir George Maxwell took charge of its development as a hill station. Soon, hotels, schools, homes and even a golf course sprouted overnight, as British and locals settled in. Farmers and tea planters also streamed steadily into the valley, having found its soil to be fertile, and weather encouraging for crops.
Today, Cameron Highlands is the leading highland resort destination in the country, supporting a local population close to 50,000 people (mostly Chinese) spread over eight interconnecting areas. Far from rural, the main townships of Tanah Rata and Brinchang are highly developed with a wide range of facilities and services. Hotels, resorts, apartments and shopping blocks tower over the landscape, providing accommodation and leisure activities for its many visitors. Ringlet, Tringkap, Bertam Valley, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja make up the rest of Cameron Highlands. These smaller towns and villages concentrate heavily on agricultural activities, consequently retaining most, if not some, of their pastoral feel and countryside atmosphere. Traces of Cameron's colonial history still remain, but consist mostly of European stone mansions that have been converted into boutique hotels.
Tourist Guide & Weather Information
Tourists in Cameron Highlands can expect a peaceful community with a laid back outlook of life. There are plenty of amenities such as banks, cyber cafes and a bus station in Tanah Rata Town. As Cameron Highlands is a popular tourist spot, most of the infrastructure is modern, so you can find all the conveniences you need. Walking around is mostly safe at day or night, but you should always keep your valuables in a safe place and not leave them lying around. It's best to visit during off-peak seasons; check the local calendar for a list of national and school holidays. You don't want to be around on such periods as the vehicle and human traffic is immensely heavy. The weather of Cameron Highlands can best be described as 'cooling wet'. Being high up the mountains means it's constantly cold and humid, with lots of mist in the early mornings and late evenings.

Wearing wind-breakers, jackets and other approriate clothing is encouraged. Rainfall is prominent throughout the year in the Cameron Highlands , but there is usually a short spell of low rainfall that can fall anywhere between May till July. If you like sunny weather, this is the best time to go. From September onwards, the rain begins to pick up; expect bright mornings that will drastically become overcast in the afternoon, slowly progressing to a strong shower of rain in the late evenings. The rains sometimes continue into the night, along with heavy mist.However, the year-end period spiralling into the next year is filled with heavy rain and thunder storms. Landslides can occur frequently but the Cameron Highlands still attract massive amounts of visitors. The heavy rain during this period is also when the natural fauna and flora are out in all its glory due to the increased moisture and cool.

This is the best time to visit the Cameron Highlands if you want to explore the wildlife and nature opportunities, and don't mind getting wet. The climate of Cameron Highland ranges between 20°C - 25°C during the day on average but does get a little hotter during periods of low rainfall. Actually, one can visit the Cameron Highlands anytime of the year; it's a simple matter of whether you enjoy more rainfall or less. At night, it usually falls between 15°C - 18°C but dips even lower after heavy rain. The lowest ever recorded temperature in Cameron Highlands was 7.8°C. During the rainy periods from May all the way till December, remember to drive carefully on the road while going up and around the Cameron Highlands as road conditions can be slippery. Also be prepared with an umbrella for the frequent evening showers or thunderstorms.

Strawberry Farms

Shopping, Strawberries

Cameron Highlands is the center of strawberry production in Malaysia - along with tea plantations and vegetable markets, strawberries are an iconic part of the landscape comprising this resort destination. The cold climate makes it suitable for cultivating strawberries all year round throughout the highlands, with most farms concentrated at Tanah RataBrinchang and Kea Farm. When in season, many of these farms offer strawberry picking by hand to attract visitors. The popularity of this dainty fruit has also spun a bustling cottage industry that churns out souvenirs, pillows, clothing, keychains, toys and other merchandise in the shape and theme of strawberries.
In local cafes and restaurants, it is a trend to incorporate strawberries in the menu, whether as ingredients for a dish or a choice of flavour in pies, cakes, ice cream, waffles, chocolate and drinks. As the fruit does not keep for long, stock that goes unsold at farms and markets is processed into jams, pickles, biscuits and other treats for sale as dry goods. As the strawberry plant grows ideally in cold but dry conditions, the best time to enjoy fresh strawberries is from May till August - months with the least rainfall. In Cameron Highlands, strawberries are grown by hydroponic method in greenhouses to allow for high volume and quick production rates. The plants are placed in soil bags or pots and stacked on racks, the greenhouses keeping them dry from excess moisture.


Plantation, Boh, Bharat

Cameron Highlands is the largest tea-growing region in Malaysia - home to vast plantations of this valuable crop that carpet the valleys in a lush sea of bright green. Tea was also one of the precursors to its development as a hill station, before its transformation into a major tourist destination. Today, the many tea plantations that dominate the valley are instrumental in drawing the multitudes of visitors Cameron Highlands receives each year. The various estates are mostly owned by Boh, the larger group established since 1929 by colonial owners; and Bharat, a slightly more recent local company that only began full-scale operations in the 1950s.
The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is actually a tree rather than a bush as popularly regarded by most people. If left to grow in the wild, tea can grow up to 16m in height. The current method of pruning tea plants leaves them at a manageable size for ground-level harvest, while allowing for higher yield through a more compact arrangement of bushes. The same plant is used to produce different types of tea; each undergo a different oxidation process and blend that result in their unique flavours, aroma and colour. In Cameron Highlands, black tea is the most popular variety of tea produced, followed by Oolong and green tea. The dark tint of tea is the result of its chemical compunds, chiefly being tannin leached into the water by heating.

While tea produced from Cameron Highlands is not particularly exceptional, they make extremely popular products and souvenirs by value of novelty, especially when bought while visiting shops at tea plantations or neighbouring towns. Boh has the largest tea estates, covering a total 3238 hectares, with plantations and factories open to visitors at Habu in Ringlet and Sungai Palas in Brinchang. Bharat has smaller tea fields (total 810 hectares) but more strategic positions along the main road (specifically at Tanah Rata and Kuala Terla) allowing them to capture visitors arriving from the souther (Tapah) and northern (Simpang Pulai) gateway. A large tea plantation also used to exist within Blue Valley, but it was abandoned by its owner and turned into vegetable farms.


Rose, Cactus

Cameron Highlands features a large collection of show gardens open to public with or without an entrance fee. In these lush park-like environments, visitors can see local and exotic flowers growing, especially popular varieties such as roses, camelias and carnations that would not otherwise sprout in lowland heat. Cactus plants, highland flora and vegetable patches often accompany the flowers on display, but these vary depending on the garden's specialty. Many of these places also have a flower nursery, cafe section and strawberry farm for picking by visitors. Some of the popular gardens include Cactus Valley, Rose Center, Rose Valley and Camelia Garden.

Bee Farms


Bee farms are a novelty in Cameron Highlands, producing a modest range of delicious honey and derivative products for sale and show to visitors. The bee farms are located in Ringlet (Highlands Apiary Farm), Brinchang (Ee Feng Gu Bee Farm) and Tringkap (Cameron Tringkap Bee Farm), with slight variances in size, facility and scale of honey production. Free to enter, these farms often combine their primary attraction with strawberry picking, souvenir shops, vegetable markets and interactive activities for children. As local bee populations are not enough to sustain local supply, honey sold here is also sourced from wild and domestic sources all over Malaysia.


Rose, Cactus

Cameron Highlands features a large collection of show gardens open to public with or without an entrance fee. In these lush park-like environments, visitors can see local and exotic flowers growing, especially popular varieties such as roses, camelias and carnations that would not otherwise sprout in lowland heat. Cactus plants, highland flora and vegetable patches often accompany the flowers on display, but these vary depending on the garden's specialty. Many of these places also have a flower nursery, cafe section and strawberry farm for picking by visitors. Some of the popular gardens include Cactus Valley, Rose Center, Rose Valley and Camelia Garden.

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